04 March 2025

My favourite pancake toppings

It's Shrove Tuesday today, the day when Christians use up all their remaining flour, eggs, and milk before the month long Lent fast. This year it is also (more or less) aligned with the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims. So as we prepare the batter for our pancakes, let me ask the important question. What id the perfect pancake topping?

Before we answer that, we need to agree on the best batter recipe. As a child, it was a simple combination of flour, eggs, and milk. Over the years vegetable oil, sparkling water, baking powder, and even vanilla extract are added. All of these are just wrong. Stop messing with perfection. While I'm having a moan, make it plain flour not self raising. That's just cheating.

OK now we've settled that argument, let's talk about toppings. You can't beat the classic castor sugar and lemon, but I'm willing to accept that the more sophisticated palette requires something more.

This is where what you add depends on where you live. In the US you'll probably add maple syrup, but then you're pancakes are way too thick. Besides you have them to breakfast. Wrong! Thin is the way to go. The healthy toppings include some form of fruit. That adds some balance to the carb heavy meal, but if you're worried about a healthy diet, don't eat pancakes! Go the full hog and add Greek yogurt and honey. Maybe bananas, my personal choice.

Pancakes are such a versatile savoury dish, that you can top them with just about anything. Nuts, even ham has been known, but that is just showing off. What ever you use to top your pancakes, enjoy. Just don't use Nutella!

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