11 January 2025

An unnecessary shopping surprise

I'm not someone who particularly enjoys shopping, but it is a necessity. When I go, I generally know what I need. So when I enter a shop I go to the department housing the item I want, buy the item and leave. I very rarely just aimlessly browse.

When it comes to food shopping, I'm no different. I'm a creature of habit, going to the same supermarket where I know where things are. I don't go down aisles where I know I don't need anything.

Today I had to go down one of the supermarket isles I rarely go down. The winter weather we've experienced lately had seen my stock of car deicer diminish. So imagine my surprise when I saw this panel at the end of the aisle trying to get me to buy fragranced deicer.

Why the heck would you need to smell gingerbread or winter berries as you spray deicer on your car windscreen? What's wrong with a good whiff of ethylene glycol?

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